Computer Error and How to Computer Repair

Howtofix91 - Computer error suddenly become annoyed sometimes makes us especially when we are doing something . For computer users maybe we confused when this happens . Many causes the computer into error , could be due to software or hardware .

If we know the causes and characteristics of the computer has an error of course we do not get confused and panicked . Is actually quite easy if we pay attention to the following.

Here how to detect Computer Error and Repair :

1.       Hard Drive Error

Characteristic :

- Computers often jammed or hangs
- Boot / Startup Windows takes a long time- Sometimes the hard drive unreadable sometimes not
- Hard drive sounds crick - crick

How to Repair :

- If the hard drive still legible try to format the hard drive with the Windows CD.
- If the hard drive sounds crick - crick hard disk is likely to be repaired and must be Change

2. RAM Error

Characteristic :

- CPU will beep - beep repeatedly
- Computers often have bluescreen ( blue screen with white lettering )
- Computer will not appear to the screen

How to Repair :

- Shut down the computer and then disconnect the next RAM RAM clean the connectors with a rubber eraser .
- If the above methods still can not mean RAM has a short-circuit and must be replaced .

3. Error Processor

Characteristic :

- The computer will often experience sudden hang and die alone
- Computer performance in processing an order will seem slow
- The computer screen does not display images when the computer is turned on.

How to Repair :

- Unloading the computer and check whether the processor fan spins normal .
- If the normal fan and then try loading the CPU fan Processor then wipe off the dust that was around processor
- Clean the processor connector with a rubber eraser .
- If the above methods still does not work means the processor should be replaced 

4. Error Motherboard

Characteristic :

- Computer does not turn on or off the total
- The computer is on but does not appear to the screen , while the RAM and Processor under normal circumstances

How to Repair :

- Open the CPU and all the loose wires , loose RAM , Processor off and then clean motherboard with a brush .
- Try changing the processor and RAM with a still normal
- If the above methods still can not mean there are short-circuit components . Try to take into Artisan service computer knows about electronics Motherboard

5. Error Power Supply

Characteristic :

- Computer does not turn on at all -and Computer restart or die alone
How to Repair :
- Replace Power Supply with a new

6. Error CMOS battery
Characteristic :
- date and time the computer is not in accordance with the running time .
- At first when the computer is on there will be writing Bios Error

How to Repair :

- Change the CMOS Batre

After knowing the characteristics of damage to the computer eating we can detect parts of the computer error and how to fix it . Okay good luck . Thank you for visiting BISAJADI.GA

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